A parent at school told me yesterday about a sign she likes. It says: “God sees.” She explained that the
connotation is not a negative judgmental one, but that God, our loving Father,
sees everything and gazes on us tenderly because we are His children.
Children and I gaze at each other all day. Sometimes, I write down the funny things that happen
because it reminds me to delight in them more. They bring such joy to my
Do I see myself as a child of God and think about Him delighting in my life? I meditate on that question more easily when I gaze upon children who make me laugh.
I went into the cafeteria yesterday morning and one of my
students walked up to me grinning wildly. I bent down to his level so he could
share his excitement.
“Guess what?! My little brother learned how to go number
two! He got a special cupcake,” he exclaimed.
Another student’s ears perk up, “Cupcake?!”
… "No, we’re not eating cupcakes at school today”…and “Wow,
that is special! Thank you for sharing that news!” (I’m assuming and hoping
that the little brother’s known how to go number two; but perhaps he just
learned how to do it “on the big boy potty.”)
Another little girl brought in meat counter tickets from the grocery store. I always thought those things were treasures as
a child too.
The Kindergarten teacher had a student deliver brown bags
for my kids to use in collecting their Valentine’s. I told him to tell her, “Thanks
a million.”
He announced in his classroom doorway, so half the first
floor could hear, “She said, ‘Thanks a million!’”
Clearly, he’d never heard the expression and wanted to test
it out full force.
My white board marker is scented. The students brought
supplies in the beginning of the year, and I switched my marker recently. It took
me a few days of wondering why my classroom smelled of chocolate near the white
board before I read the marker, “Expo Scents Choco Mint.”
Every time I use it, which is multiple times a day, one of
my students asks, “Hmm, why does it smell like chocolate in here?”
I might have switched markers…if she didn’t make me laugh every time
she said it.
The other delight was this same student’s St. Valentine’s
Day gift to the class…chocolate covered marshmallows with a card on top
addressed to me, her teacher, “and my chums.”
All my students’ ears and eyes were checked by school nurses
yesterday, the day we celebrated St. Valentine’s Day. (The date for this
testing was changed because of the snow). My class recognized the fact that it
took place yesterday as “a miracle!” because St. Valentine is known for curing
a girl who was blind. What are the odds?
God sees. But do I see as He sees? St. Valentine, pray for