I found this sign at a department store the other day when I when I did a million things to avoid pre-date jitters (I also swam a lot of laps in the pool that night, practiced my new aqua aerobics moves in the water waking lane, and decided it was a good time to buy a kerosene lamp from an antique store). I think this sign might become a new mantra in my life.
Tonight a friend said beautiful stained glass is made up of a lot of broken pieces--like people in a community. Nobody's perfect but God can create wonderful beauty out of brokenness.
Earlier today a student asked if we could have popsicles after our walk to the park. My sense of wonder was sparked...I thought about the inner workings of a child's brain and pondered if there might be a popsicle factory under the floor of our classroom...or if it was sneakily still summertime.
I also met a woman today who asked me at the apartment mailboxes whether or not I had a cat.
Our conversation went like this:
Betty (her first question upon seeing me): Do you have a cat?
Me: No, I don't.
Betty: Do you like cats?
Me: No, I don't really like cats that much.
Betty: I just visited my brother and he has lots of cats!
Thank God for Betty's brother who can provide her with the opportunity to enjoy cats! I wonder what makes people like cats. I also wonder if Betty is lonely. And I wonder if that was really Jesus visiting me.