Saturday, October 4, 2014

Sedentary Lifestyle

Crutches: the economical choice. Crutches cost a $25 copayment versus a gym membership of $29.95 per month. Plus there's no $100 start up fee!

What a deal!

I taught my kids consonants from a chair yesterday, and had them hold up their books to show me their work.

The back row was tricky to see. So I had those kids come up so I could check their progress. One of the boys did an excellent job with handwriting, but his letters were written upside down on the wrong page. I commended him for his penmanship, and then told him the mistake. 

He promptly passed out.

First grade boys have passed out in jest in the past. But I've never seen this level of comedic timing and dead pan performance.

Two seconds after I told him to rewrite the letters, he was on the floor with his tongue out. No giggling, no checking to see what his classmates would say. And he laid there for a solid 30 seconds.

I couldn't help laughing. Of course this prompted other first grade boys to repeat the act. But none were as hilarious as the first.

Back to your seats.

Later, I soothed myself (and kept peace in the classroom) with a church song. A child, rapt with his work, subconsciously interjected his own soundtrack.

"I heard the voice of Jesus say… Everything is awesome!"


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