Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Every day miracles.

Every day miracles.

My friend’s car broke down—billowing smoke-- in a neighborhood on her way to work this morning. She’s a Catholic school teacher and single mom and doesn’t have easy funds to fix the car, but God provided some consolation. A woman emerged from the house where her car was and invited her in for a cup of tea.

I met up with friends with whom we shared a house five years ago. It was one of the friend’s graduation party. She just gave birth to her second child at age 43, and finished her graduate degree which took her five years to complete given life changes. She got married to her husband of the same age at 40, and they both received free cars in their lives when they were poor. They’re still broke, and someone just gave them a minivan.

There was a substitute teacher at Aqua Zumba tonight. She played Tina Turner's Rolling On The River. Twice. Everyone got so into it that people asked her to play it again at the end of the class. So she did, and the people in the hot tub stood up to watch.


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