Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pretzels and Crumbs

I was once a Pre-K teacher. In the afternoon we had nap time. Each child was allowed two books to read quietly on their beach towel. The only rules were: no talking and no getting up from the towel (unless there was a bathroom emergency).

After training the children, I was able to read quietly to myself during this time—I enjoyed the respite. One day as I was reading, I looked up to check on the children. To my surprise and utter amazement, I noticed that one little girl’s body was completely covered with pretzels. She lay very still so as not to disturb the snack as she read.

I used all the self control I could muster not to laugh aloud and silently walked over. She looked up, met my eyes and then glanced over her shoulder at the pretzels on her back. She gazed to the other side only to find more pretzels! Then, she looked up at me stunned and in all innocence, said, “I have no idea how that happened.”

After a long interior chuckle, I said “OK,” and brought the trashcan over so she could clean herself. Later I noticed her brush her inside-out pocket into the trashcan—apparently she came to the realization that the pretzel display resulted from leftover lunch.

Upon reflection, I wondered, “What is God telling me in this?” Do I think if I lay really still, everything in my life will stay in order and I won’t be anxious?  Or, if I toss and turn, I’ll never be able to pick up all the pieces?

“I have no idea how that happened.” Looking back now, I honestly have no idea how I accomplished certain things in my life – like living through a Canadian winter, or writing articles for a city newspaper, or teaching Pre-K.

I also have no idea how God allowed me to meet so many people in my life who have listened to my problems and walked with me—even through dark times.

Do I remember to look back and notice the graces God dumps on me when I’m not really paying attention? God’s with me when I can’t remember how I got myself in a mess, and He lovingly helps me brush off the crumbs of confusion.

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