Wednesday, March 25, 2015

You Are Mine

“Teacher, remember to read You Are Mine.” My student asked me for two days. Today, I stopped the lesson and just read it.

You Are Special. You Are Mine. These Max Lucado books capture the hearts of my children and me. You Are Mine tells the story of little wooden man Punchinello who sells his house and loses his friends to have the most balls and boxes so the other wooden people will say he is the best. He stumbles upon woodcarver Eli’s house while en-trek up a mountain of greed, ambition and selfishness.

Eli looks at the poor creature he made and doesn’t condemn him. He simply reminds him that he is special not because of what he does but because of who he is. He tells him, “You are mine.”

In the end, Punchinello has no place to sleep that night. Eli invites him to stay in his shop. Punchinello sleeps on a bed of straw and sees stars through his open window. He rests and smiles with joy.

Today I looked through old pictures and came across a room where I stayed in Canada. I remembered that I had a simple bed there; I fed hay to animals; and my friend appreciated the stars on a winter night with me. I experienced joy.

God brought me to that place of simplicity, community and told me, “You are mine.”

The book You Are Mine finishes with Punchinello at rest, but that is not the end of his story. He doesn’t have a permanent house; he hasn’t reconciled with his friends; he has no job and no money.

I’ve felt that in my life.

But God provides. He says again and again. Emmanuel. I am with you.

Today is the feast of the Annunciation. I prayed for a miracle.

My car was in the shop twice for a month and still has trouble starting. I’ve seen more doctors that I can count this year and I still feel sick. I feel sad when I think I am 30, my family is "broken," and don’t have a clear “vocation” or “mission.” 

(And yet I sometimes think of my brother's wisdom...#30andflirty... and remember the year's just begun!)

Nevertheless, God gave me Himself…he tells me, "I AM the miracle. I am the depth of your need. I never promised that there would be no pain, no suffering. I said there is light in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it."

My God is a place of rest. I can go to Him when I am lost mid-hike up the mountain.

Today I choose joy. Because I saw the stars in the sky. Because I listen to children every day. And I am His.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for your comment. God has a plan! There's no doubt that He has a plan! Praise Him!
